The G-Move Suit is an amazing rehabilitation & recovery method for Neuro Rehabilitation, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke Rehabilitation & Recovery.
We have used the G-Move Suit with a wide range of patients living with and recovering from incomplete SCI, Stroke, Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy and Parkinson’s Disease, with symptoms including weakness and paresis, sensory impairment, ataxia, fatigue and spasticity.
We have seen some extremely positive recovery & rehabilitation effects with patients objectively walking with hip and knee greater extension, improved weight distribution and improved overall alignment both when wearing the GMove and after its removal. Knee control and stability and biomechanics were also notably improved during exercise and gait sessions.
The purpose of the GMOVE-SUIT is to make walking, recovery & rehabilitation easier by offering better motor control and better stability. The effects on balance and coordination come from intermittent compression at different levels.
Compression stimulates the skin’s baroreceptors. These stimuli are then transmitted to the brain, allowing patients to focus attention on the lower limbs.
Muscle compression facilitates the recruitment of motor units
Effect 1 and 2: Targeted attention and effective contraction lead to better coordination!
Compression activates the mechanoreceptors located in the fascias, which are essential for proprioception.
Most patients with balance disorders generally have limited autonomy and walking range. GMOVE-SUIT improves venous return, thus optimizing the rehabilitation session by reducing tiredness and the pause time between each exercise.